I created a React country and state field package that can detect the user's IP geolocation

I created a React country and state field package that can detect the user's IP geolocation

For users, picking their countries from a long list of options in the country field is quite an annoying thing. To solve the UX issue, I created a country and state field package for React developers.

The fields can detect the user's IP geolocation, and set the country and state automatically so the user doesn't have to do anything. It also supports a state list based on the selected country. Here is an example of how it works in action.


I live in Sydney (New South Wales, Australia). The fields will automatically detect where I am and set it to the correct options. But if I want to pick a different country and state, the UI is also user-friendly.


Run npm i react-country-state-fields to install the components in your React project.

Use the field components

import { CountryField, StateField, VisitorAPIComponents } from 'react-country-state-fields';
import React, { useState } from 'react';

export const MyForm = () => {
  const [country, setCountry] = useState({}); // the selected country
  const [state, setState] = useState({}); // the selected state
  const visitorApiPrjectId = ""; // assign your project ID here

    <VisitorAPIComponents projectId={visitorApiPrjectId} handleCountryChange={(countryObj) => setCountry(countryObj)} handleStateChange={(stateObj) => setState(stateObj)}>
      <CountryField label="Country/Territory"></CountryField>
      <StateField label="State/Province"></StateField>

The <VisitorAPIComponents /> component detects the IP location using a server-side API called VisitorAPI. You will need to create a free or paid project, and grab the project ID to fill the projectId prop to enable the location detection feature of the fields. Don't forget to add your domains to the authorized domain list of your project or the API will return an error.

In the example code, the country object and the state object will be stored in the country and the state states. To access the country name (e.g. "Australia"), use country.label. For the country code (e.g. "AU"), use country.code. Same as the state state, there are label and code properties.


Github: https://github.com/visitorapi/react-country-state-fields

Example: https://github.com/visitorapi/react-country-state-fields-example/blob/main/src/App.js

NPM package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-country-state-fields